Why You Should Put Garlic in Your Ear Before Going to Sleep : Home Doctor

The Home Doctor – Practical Medicine for Every Household – is a medical guide/manual created by three doctors from Venezuela and Texas. It is a 304-page-long book that constitutes everything you need to know about handling health situations independently. In the Venezuelan region, people don’t get professional help, even for serious health illnesses. When the country’s economy declined, people ran out of electricity and running water. Similarly, hospitals and pharmacies had no painkillers, antibiotics, or medical supplies. However, they have learned ingenious methods to cope with such situations. In the Home Doctor Book, Dr. Maybell walks you through the creative techniques used by Venezuelans to handle critical health situations on their own at home. The Home Doctor book comes in both digital and physical versions. Inside the book, you will get a broad range of DIY medical procedures, techniques, and step-by-step guides to safely handle common health issues and emergencies at home. You will also learn how to keep a patient calm when the ambulance is on the way. The methods used by Venezuelans are being studied and applied across many other parts of the world. Doctors in Venezuela developed these effective methods to treat patients without the necessary medical supplies. As you read the Home Doctor Book, you get to learn a large number of such inexpensive ways that do not require medical supplies for treatments. Many of these methods are designed to be self-applied. You can turn to these procedures to reduce medical costs for mild illnesses. However, these procedures are most valuable when you cannot depend on the medical system. The book also includes a list of antibiotics, painkillers, and other OTC medicines you must keep at home. The Home Doctor also outlines expired medications’ dangers and side effects. Some of the book’s procedures have roots in traditional Venezuelan, Greek, and Chinese medicine. Inside the book, you’ll discover how people cured and treated different illnesses before modern medicine. You’ll also learn about the gifs of nature that you can use to your advantage.

What’s included in The Home Doctor Book?

The Home Doctor Book is a guide that provides excellent procedures, advice, tactics, and lessons for coping with common health problems. It is a one-of-a-kind practical book on medicine developed for the use of an average individual. People can depend on this comprehensive reference to functional medicine to help them deal with non-life-threatening diseases independently. Some of the most critical lessons included are as follows:  

 Ten Essential Medical Supplies  
The Home Doctor contains a list of must-have medical materials for every family. These supplies include medical equipment, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and topical treatments necessary to treat various common conditions independently. These resources often run out rapidly, and this guide will teach about several less well-known but influential alternatives to routinely prescribed pharmaceuticals.  

✔ Avoid These Errors During A Blackout

Avoid These Errors During A Blackout

The Home Doctor Book includes some of the most frequent medical errors during a blackout. This category will teach how to maintain drugs that need continuous refrigeration, such as insulin, during power shortages.  

 Heart Attack Warning Signs and What steps to Do Before Help Arrives  
The 4- unique symptoms of a heart attack include:

  1. Insufficiency of Breath  
  2. Pain or distress in the mouth, neck, stomach, and one or both limbs.  
  3. Disorientation 
  4. Cold Sweat and Nausea  

These symptoms do not manifest together. People should contact an ambulance immediately to see even one of these symptoms.  

 Dangers of Using Expired Medicines

Dangers of Using Expired Medicines

Due to Venezuela’s lack of available medicines, individuals often use outdated medicines to treat common diseases. This section teaches which medications are still safe to consume after the expiration.  

 A Natural Painkiller Found in The Backyard  
Many natural and herbal superfoods may be found in the garden, but people do not know about them. Readers will learn details of some of these natural health-promoting substances in the book. In addition, they will find a painkiller that grows in the garden or backyard. 

 Four Essential Antibiotics  
This category teaches about four antibiotics with diverse chemical compositions and varied function modes against various bacterial diseases.

 How to Store Prescription Drugs 

How to Store Prescription Drugs

The book includes inventive methods for stockpiling drugs, such as insulin. These innovative techniques are lawful and secure.  

 Do-It-Yourself Protocols For Respiratory Issues  
The Home Doctor is familiar with many do-it-yourself remedies for respiratory ailments such as influenza. These at-home procedures may prevent hospitalization. When influenza season starts, hospitals are packed with people having high temperatures.  
To avoid hospitalization, one must adhere to these straightforward measures for respiratory difficulties at home.  

 How to Manage a Stroke  
Early stroke symptoms include numbness, disorientation, vertigo, and difficulty seeing out of both eyes. Extreme caution is required when coping with a stroke, and rapid intervention may prevent the patient’s irreversible harm, such as paralysis. In the stroke section, people will learn how to detect and respond to a stroke.  

 Instructions for Treating Wounds and Skin Conditions  
The third section includes step-by-step instructions for treating skin disorders such as open wounds, scalds, insect bites and stings, etcetera.  
It teaches how to treat second-degree burns at home. This section lists over-the-counter (OTC) medications and topical remedies people should stock.  

 Stretching Techniques For Neck and Back Pain  

Stretching Techniques For Neck and Back Pain

A muscle strain or superficial ligament might result in excruciating discomfort in the back and neck. People learn the one-minute technique that may cure most back and neck aches.  

 Therapeutic Value of Leeches  
Leeches possess powerful therapeutic qualities that accelerate wound healing. They help treat hypertension or excessive blood pressure and help relieve the strain on the arteries.  

 Domestic Breast Examining  
With the help of this chapter, women must be able to do a breast exam at home. Nipple discharges, inverted nipples, nipple soreness, breast discomfort, cysts, and breast infections are common breast problems. If not handled promptly, these problems may become severe.  
Dr. Maybell guides the reader in assessing whether anything wrong happens with the breasts through instructions, illustrations, and flowchart demonstrations.  

 Eggshell And Additional Home Remedy  

Eggshell And Additional Home Remedy

This chapter is based on the statement that one person’s garbage may become another’s treasure. The book has home remedies chapters describing making calcium tablets from eggshells, and this home cure may be helpful during food shortages.  

 Difference Between Benign & Dangerous Arrhythmia  
It has a section on arrhythmia, related cardiovascular issues, and when medical attention is required. It describes the symptoms of arrhythmias, including chest discomfort and dizziness, which are never present in less serious or benign forms of arrhythmia.  

 Home Dental Treatment  
It includes procedures for treating severe toothaches and oral infections at home. 

 Ingrown Nail Extraction

Ingrown Nail Extraction

The book has an entire chapter described on skin and nail disorders and has a detailed tutorial on removing ingrown nails without seeing a doctor.  

 Home-Based Abdominal Examination  
It teaches the methods to do an abdominal examination at home efficiently. This section contains a schematic of 9-abdominal parts that, upon touch, show the location of the issue.  

 Managing the Common Wounds Caused by Social Unrest  
It guides how to treat injuries caused by rioters amid social upheaval in The Home Doctor.  

 Natural Methods To Enhance Immunity  

Natural Methods To Enhance Immunity

It teaches immunity-strengthening techniques using natural remedies. 

 Mustard Oil Treatment for Gum and Tooth Decay  
The book teaches techniques for plaque removal, dental decay treatment at home, and gum repair using mustard oil and salt.  

 Night-care Recipes To Improve Sleep  
Some ingredients in every kitchen promote sound sleep, which is listed in the book. 

 40 Grandparents Remedies  

40 Grandparents Remedies

It describes forty practical home treatments that our grandmothers taught us. Clinical data support these treatments’ effectiveness, which help treat various common diseases and health issues. 

 A Powerful Antibiotic Found in The Garden  
Certain commonly growing backyard plants work as natural doxycycline and can be used to treat pneumonia, acne, typhus, and cholera. 

Creators of The Home Doctor:

The Home Doctor Book is created by a team of three health professionals: Dr. Maybell Nieves, Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, and Claude Davis. Together they realized they could create something unique, a practical manual for when there is no doctor, pharmacy, or hospital available in the region. Its mission is to empower every household to be able to take their health into their hand when the situation calls for it. They do not recommend using the guide as the first line of defense if the medical system is still available, but they recommend it to people who want to be more prepared and self-reliant. Maybell Nieves Dr. Maybell Nieves, Breast and General Surgeon at Caracas University Hospital, Venezuela. She is known for developing ingenious methods of treating patients after Venezuela’s economy fell, and hospitals and pharmacies ran out of medicines, supplies, electricity, and water. The methods of treatment she developed and pioneered are now studied and applied in conflict zones worldwide. Alterio Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, Surgical Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. In 2017, Dr. Alterio was the primary care physician of an indigenous community called “Kamarata” (Pemóns), deep in the Amazon jungle, many hundreds of miles from civilization. There are no roads, and the community is only accessible by small airplanes; no Pharmacies or Hospitals either. Miles away from civilization, Dr. Rodrigo had to do what he had on hand to perform various medical procedures for diseases, accidents, and delivering babies. When supplies were scarce, he used traditional methods, like cleaning wounds with antiseptics and honey as a Bacteriostatic (a substance that stops bacterial reproduction but doesn’t kill them) until more supplies arrived. Claude Davis Claude Davis is a wild-west history expert who believes that the crisis people prepare for is what folks 150 years ago called daily life: no electricity, running water, no modern medicine, no law enforcement, no Walmart, and no 911 to call. When it comes to medicine, Claude adopted the lost remedies of our forefathers, who used to take advantage of what nature had to offer. Very few people nowadays recall this forgotten knowledge. But it may be the last thing available to people in the next crisis. In Venezuela, after the medical system collapsed and the crisis arose, many people, especially doctors, had to use these natural remedies again to save people. Claude wanted to make available to every American people a way to help themselves and their families in a crisis when medical assistance is unavailable.

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